It gives us great pleasure and an honour to announce that the accomplished Orthodox theologian Dr David Goodin, will join Pan Orthodox Concern for Animals as its Canadian representative. Dr. Goodin earned a PhD in Religious Studies from McGill University in the philosophy of religion, with a concentration in Patristic theology. Currently, he is a Professeur Associé at the Université Laval, Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe de Montréal. Research interests include theodicy and eco-theology with a specialization on the sacred forests of the Ethiopian Täwaḥədo tradition. He is the author of numerous academic books and articles, including Confronting Evil: Theodicy in the Eastern Patristic Tradition (Alexander Press, 2021). Originally from Miami, Florida, David K. Goodin now resides and teaches in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

All reactions:
10Kelly Wright, Melchiades A Lozano and 8 others