We began the year with the good news that the accomplished Orthodox theologian and philosopher, Nikolaos Asproulis will join Pan Orthodox Concern for Animals as its new Chair, whilst Dr Christina Nellist will remain President and become its new Treasurer, following the death last year of Father Simon Nellist.
Dr. Nikolaos is currently Deputy Director (2017- today) of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Volos, Greece, and Lecturer at the Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece. He graduated in Theology (University of Athens, 1997). He obtained MTh (2007) and PhD degrees (2016) in Theology at Hellenic Open University. Asproulis’ research focuses on the history and development of contemporary Orthodox theology (20st – 21st century), a field in which he approached several research avenues: systematic theology, ecclesiology, political theology, spirituality, hermeneutics, and animal theology. During his doctoral research, he specialized in the study of contemporary Orthodox theology with a special focus on the neo-patristic movement and its main figures (Florovsky and Zizioulas). His dissertation was entitled “Creation, History and Eschaton in Contemporary Orthodox Theological Hermeneutics: From Georges Florovsky to John D. Zizioulas.” He published articles in peer-reviewed journals like the Review of Ecumenical Studies, Communio Viatorum, Participatio, et. al., while he serves as reviewer in journals like Critical Research on Religion (Sage), Open Theology (De Gruyter) and Review of Ecumenical Studies (De Gruyter). Dr Nikolaos was an academic associate of the official scholarly theological journal of the Orthodox Church of Greece, Theologia (2009-2016). He is currently an official representative of the Church of Greece in CEC thematic group on Economic and Ecological Justice (2017-8, 2019-2023), Coordinator of the Network of Ecumenical Learning in Eastern and Central Europe (Nelcee – http://www.nelcee.org/); WP5 Volos Academy Team member of RESILIENCE (https://www.resilience-ri.eu/) ; and project manager of the Ecotheological project and activities of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies (https://churchgoesgreen.acadimia.org). Furthermore, he is fluent in Greek (native), English (excellent), French (reading, understanding). Despite the demanding work to organize more than 15 international conferences at Volos Academy between 2009 till today, Nikolaos has not ceased publishing since the start of his doctoral trajectory with the resulting list of numerous contributions to international journals and book chapters. Nikolasos has published over 73 articles, written 5 books, edited, or coedited 15 books and translated 7 books. He is expected to publish in 2025, a first systematic contribution to Animal Studies from an Orthodox perspective under the title: Eastern Orthodox Christian Animal Theology: God, Animals and Creation in Dialogue (Lexington Books, forthcoming 2025). We are sure you will agree that this is an excellent appointment and join us in congratulating him on his appointment.
Throughout the year we continued to support various petitions and sign letters to government ministers or institutions to increase animal protection and decrease animal suffering. This covers Bills/Acts on a wide range of issues such as the Animals Low Welfare Activities Abroad Act; the banning of animal skins in London Fashion Week; switching from real fur to faux fur for the King’s Guard’s headwear; calling for the government to ban children from attending hunts; banning the use of harmful pesticides that kill insects and bees; stopping the unnecessary deaths of many horses each year in racing events; banning the Canadian seal hunt; banning greyhound racing; banning the horse-drawn carriages in Mallorca; banning the badger cull in the UK; urging airlines to stop shipping animals to research laboratories, etc.
We also continued to post details, teachings and icons of Orthodox Saints who are known for their kindness and care for animals (Orthodox and non-Orthodox) such as St Seraphim of Sarov; St Brendan; St Isaac the Syrian; St Paul the Hermit; St Ninian; St Gertrude; St. Paisios; St. Luke of Simferopol; St. Hubertus; St Blaise.
We also continued to post details or links to various Reports on aspects of animal protection and climate instability, such as the report on reducing meat and dairy diets, which is, of course, relevant for both issues.
On other occasions we published more detailed work or information of our presentations at various events, such as that of Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis, deputy director of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies and Chair of POCA, who delivered a talk at the conference entitled Together for Europe Workshop Ecology. This was on the ontological interdependence among all creatures of God and the need for Christian theology to reconsider the content of the imago Dei doctrine so as to also include non-human creatures, and his attendance at the latest Halki Summit and topic “Water: Spirit and Science – Exploring Spiritual and Scientific Perspectives”, organized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in cooperation with the Hellenic Open University.
In March we began to work on a new book relating to Orthodoxy entitled: CREATION CARE: EASTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVES and this should be published during 2025.
We also began discussions on how we might begin a Newsletter for our followers. One outcome was to invite individuals from different countries to write a paragraph or so, on the situation in their respective countries regarding Animal Protection, including any events, seminars etc on this and related themes, by the church.
In May, Dr Christina Nellist was invited by the Volos Academy to present a paper at the European Academy of Religion’s conference in Sicily, on how farmed animals and the meat and dairy diet, play a significant part in climate instability.
In August Dr Christina was invited by the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics to give a lecture at Merton College, Oxford, on the work of the great Russian Writer, Philosopher and Theologian, Count Lev Tolstoy. This was entitled ‘Ahimsa, Animals and Anarchy’, and will be published in a book of collected papers by Palgrave in the coming year.
Dr Christina was also invited to participate in an Interfaith Vegan Panel discussion organised by the Shamayim Jewish Animal Advocacy.
See – https://youtu.be/CJIgw9i1LMI
We promote Orthodox and non-orthodox calls for papers from different publishing houses/ journals and organizations, and we publish details of our books and articles in journals/magazines, e.g.
OE Magazine 2nd Edition (1) – Flipbook – Page 1 (paperturn-view.com)
We also answer questions and requests from members of the public from across the world on a range of issues.
We continue to promote Green Parish initiatives and education at Parish level.
In September we were blessed with a new Patron, Met. Serafim Kykotis of Zimbabwe
and Angola.
His Eminence, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Serafim Kykotis of Zimbabwe is the Archbishop of Zimbabwe and Angola and Exarch of Southern Africa (Zimbabwe, Angola), part of the Church of Alexandria. Prior to his assignment to Zimbabwe and Angola, Archbishop Seraphim was Archbishop of Johannesburg and Archbishop of Kenya.
His Eminence Metropolitan Serafim Kykotis was born on February 2, 1961 in Galataria, Paphos. George knew that he wanted to serve God at an early age so, at the age of twelve years, he was accepted as a novice, with the name Seraphim, at the Monastery of Kykkos on the island of Cyprus (hence the surname Kykkotis). Besides from working with agriculture at the monastery, the young Seraphim was a very good student, first attending the Pan-Cypriot High School and then the Lyceum of Kykkos from which he graduated with honors in 1982.
On September 8, 1983, Seraphim was ordained a Hierodeacon by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Nea Justiniana (1977–2006). He was then transferred from the Church of Cyprus to the Church of Greece under Archbishop Seraphim of Athens (1974–2004) in order to continue his education at the Theological School of the University of Athens, from which he graduated in 1987. During the period he attended the theological faculty, Hierodeacon Seraphim also served in Athens. Upon return to Kykkos in Cyprus, he served as Director of the Library of his Monastery.
From 1988 to 1991, Hierodeacon Seraphim continued his education in Great Britain, studying English and Patristics at Christ Church college in Canterbury and at the Universities of Oxford and Durham under His Eminence Kallistos (Ware) then Bishop of Dioclea (1982–2007), Professor of Orthodox Theology at Oxford and Very Rev. Dr. George Dragas.
Metropolitan Serafim as ecologist stresses that everything one has received from God must be given back, without corruption. For him, hunger and poverty in Africa are a result of our sins and selfishness. He emphasizes the important of ecological metanoia (repentance) from our ecological sins, by starting a new green way of life without polluting the creation of God. “Because Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are everywhere present and fill all things, this gives us a holy vision in which we recognize that the life of God exists in all things, everywhere in the world. We must have respect for all things in the creation and treat every living thing, every person, every animal, every bird, every tree and every leaf with love, care and respect. As Orthodox Christians we inspire others by living our Christian faith. This is also our most powerful way of teaching. The scriptures tell us many things about the right operation of the earth. As Orthodox Christians we must strive to fulfil all of the Biblical teachings. Today we realize that the best ecologists are the saints. They often tame wild animals, bring healing to people and the earth, and teach a gentle, kind and loving way toward all things.”
He was elected Metropolitan of Kenya and Tanzania in 1997. In these countries today there are three Metropolis and five Bishoprics. He served also as the Dean of the Seminary of Nairobi “Archbishop Makarios III of Cyprus”. Later he was elected Metropolitan of Johannesburg and Pretoria-Tsuane (2001 -2010). Since 2010, he serves as Metropolitan of Zimbabwe and Angola. He is a Member of the Patriarchal Commission on Environment and Sustainable Development, he represents the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and His Holiness Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II at the International Organizations, UN, AU and to WCC and All African Conference of Churches as well as at the official International Theological Dialogue of Orthodox and Anglicans. He is also member of the Central com. of the WCC and member of the new commission on Climate justice and sustainable Development of WCC. His Eminence observes his name day on January 2 in memory of Saint Seraphim of Sarov.
We are also blessed with the inclusion of Dr David Goodin, Professeur Associé at the Université Laval, Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe de Montréal, as the latest member of our administrative team and our Canadian representative.
Dr David’s research interests include theodicy and eco-theology with a specialization on the sacred forests of the Ethiopian Täwaḥədo tradition. He is the author of numerous academic books and articles, including Confronting Evil: Theodicy in the Eastern Patristic Tradition (Alexander Press, 2021). Originally from Miami, Florida, Dr. David K. Goodin now resides and teaches in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
In October our President was interviewed on her work and the work of our charity, by the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. This will be aired on their television channel in the near future.
At the end of the month Dr Christina attended a two-day Annual Egyptological colloquium at the British Museum, entitled: ‘Animal mummies: from beliefs to practice’ as part of her ongoing research into this subject.
Mummy of a cat, Egypt, British Museum EA 65502 (photograph and x-ray image).
Our President attended the Animals in War Service at the Memorial in Park Lane, London, where she laid a wreath on behalf of Pan Orthodox Concern for Animals and the Animal Interfaith Alliance.
Here is the link to a short article on the service and this year’s speech from a member of the NOWZAD TEAM.
ANIMALS IN WAR REMEMBRANCE SERVICE – Pan-Orthodox Concern for Animals
In November and December much time was given to organising THE PAN ORTHODOX CONCERN FOR ANIMALS’ WEBINAR SERIES. Our first Webinar will be on the work of Met. Kallistos of Diokleia entitled: MET. KALLISTOS OF DIOKLEIA: EDUCATION ON ANIMALS AND CREATION CARE. It will take place on February 25th, 2025, at the following times: US Pacific 10:00; US Eastern 13:00; UK 18:00; Greece 20:00; Moscow 21:00. The Panel will include Fr John Chryssavgis; Dr Nikolaos Asproulis; Fr Nektariy (Sokolov); Dr Elizabeth Theokritoff and Dr Christina Nellist.
Using unseen video material created for POCA, the panel will discuss themes raised in two Met. Kallistos videos – ‘Raising Awareness’ and ‘Leave us in Peace.’ Information will also be given on relevant Orthodox courses and materials followed by an audience Q & A. The Webinar will be hosted by The Volos Academy for Theological Studies. An official flyer will be produced in early 2025, and we will ask you to download it and circulate it among your churches and the wider communities.
Further invitations to give interviews and present at International conferences have been received for 2025 and we shall keep you updated on our FB group and page:
Finally, the POCA team thank you for your help and support, which is so very gratefully received, and the pleasure of wishing you all a wonderful 2025.